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Book Review; Marty and other stories by Vishnu s Rai

                            Vishnu S Rai    The book entitled ' Martyr and their stories' authored by Vishnu S Rai has been found one of the interesting short story books in English by Nepali scholars. The book consists of 19 short stories as fictions full stop the book has been published by Oriental publication in 2016. The book and the collection of certifications really seems to be useful for all the readers  ranging from high school students to scholars. The content of the stories reflect the realities of Nepalese societies ; therefore, readers find this book is easy to understand. Furthermore, the language level of writing seems to be easily understandable because of simple structures and common vocabulary items of the stories. The stories such as Martyr,Punte's problem, Professor Parajuli, Promotion, Teacher etc. are really heart touching to the readers. Similarly, the flow of the content in each study has been found United and clear. Therefore, even high School child

Film Review- ( Bir Ganeshman)

  Bir Ganeshman Singh - The Ironman I have recently watched film called  Bir Ganeshman .It is a historical and political film. The story of the film is based on the political movements which contributed to the introduction to democracy in Nepal. The actors and actresses and their performance seems to be appreciable, but the plot of it seems to be interrupted and incomplete. As a plot of the film is grounded on the political movements in Nepal , it is more political and less historical. The plot simply classes the political movements that are Central to Ganeshman's   political life. it Focuses on the contribution of Ganeshman   to the infrastructure and introduction to democracy. It's such that Ganesh man was highly determined to introduce democracy. He completely sacrificed his life for the well being of the nation. The film does not keep other leaders' contribution is equal to focused. The plot of the film seems to be clear for the audience who are event simply aware of po

Frankenstein Book review 2022

                        Mary Shelly    Books are one of the best sources of knowledge as well as a good time pass since they can be enjoyed anywhere else without the need to take any special equipment for carrying them . Recently I read a book called Frankenstein which is a science fiction written by a marry Shelly . The story of the book is about a University science student called victor Frankenstein . Who faces terrible consequences as he tries to mess up against the law of nature. Victor Frankenstein is a University science graduate who is very much interested in creating something new through the use of science and technology . Hence he collects a dead human body and starts the reach to revive it in his science lab . After several months of hard level he becomes success but he is very terrified to see the face of that revived person due to the surgery process in course of reviving. Hence he runs away from there and calls the body a creature. When creature comes in contact with t